Well, I'm against it. But I'm against it without having spoken to any other staff members about it, so it's possible that my mind can be changed. And I'm certainly not the decider.
1 - sometimes OP's have very good reasons for destroying their posts and not waiting around for a mod to get to it or even be available. I don't like it when they do that, but if someone feels the need to take down their posts, I think they should have that ability.
2 - I'm 100% against artificial inflation of post count. No exceptions. The membership rank scripts are driven by post count (with certain areas excluded). The staff reviews posts constantly and, honestly, if I see someone trying to drive theirs up, I have a VERY negative reaction. You probably know me well enough to guess what that generally means. There's no good reason to allow that, and when I find folks gaming the system as it currently exists, bad things happen. Besides, I think that we owe it to ourselves to keep it difficult to access the more sensitive areas of the board.
3 - The staff has the ability to restore edited posts. We only rarely use that tool, but it exists. I think I've used it twice in 3 years. Once to restore an OP that someone altered to be unreadable that wasn't directly quoted elsewhere and once because I thought that someone other than the original user had gained access to the account and was altering posts maliciously.
I also think that there's going to be a vocal minority of members that will be against this idea. We'll see if I'm right or not.
But if this is what the majority wants and there aren't any other objections, I'm not going to stand in the way. These, however, are reasons that I think are pretty valid for NOT doing it.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo