Originally Posted by robot_parade
So what's so bad about this bill, exactly? It isn't nearly what I wanted, or what progressives wanted, but it's still way better than the status quo. As far as I can tell, the Republican party has no alternative at all - their entire strategy and goal is to obstruct.
Here's the good stuff in the current bill:
o Subsidies to buy health insurance for lower income people
o Insurance exchanges which *may* lubricate the market a little bit.
o No more recission, exclusion for pre-existing conditions, or lifetime limits.
o Insurance must cover preventative care.
o No more medicare 'donut hole'
o Medicaid for 'pretty much' all of the poor.
Some stuff I'm not comfortable with:
o Individual mandate
o No employer mandate
I'd have preferred single payer, or at least 'public option' - although I have serious doubts about the viability of the public option idea.
Failing that, I think we should just get rid of the employer-based system (or rather, the incentives for it), and let people shop for their own insurance. If we're going to be all 'free market', have an actual market.
I truly dislike the individual mandate, I think threatening people with fines and imprisonment is going too far.
From what I see and have heard of the bill it is too much fucking legislation, red tape, threats, taxes and disorganized to truly do anything but screw up the system even more.
Your last line I agree wholeheartedly with, basically because I do not see anyone proposing what I believe to be the best feasible option and that is sliding scale with a maximum out of pocket. Get rid of employer based and have a full free market for insurance. It's better than what is offered.
GOP scare tactics aside, i just see this being a mess and the Dems regretting it in years to come. I also see this as an end to many many freedoms we enjoy and a health care system even with all its faults still the greatest in the world. people from all over the world (even from countries with universal health care) come to our great hospitals like the Cleveland Clinic.
Does something need to be done? Yes.
Is this the right bill to do it? NO, even some who are voting for it say that... so they are bribed, threatened (if you believe some Reps.), and coerced into it, thinking they will be able to "fix it" once passed. I find that a scary way of doing business.
It's like a car company saying "let's outsource our gas and brake systems and if something happens we'll "fix" it AFTER there are serious accidents and deaths caused by it."
We can get better. Our Congress can do better. Our President should demand better.... but instead everyone will get mediocre with the belief after needless deaths, threats, a government working to keep costs down so they tax freedoms into a cost prohibitive status for some (which IMHO is a loss of freedom), red tape and a system that will be a mess.