Downloading illegal music and movies is really just the customers giving a big middle finger to the industry, or at least that's how I look at it.
Neither the music or movie industry has grasped that you can't just keep ripping off your customers and expect them to be faithful in return. If they priced based on quality or maybe didn't release every piece of crap that might make money I don't think illegal downloading would be any near as common as it is.
How many of us have gone out to buy a new CD and found it full of blatant filler along side of maybe 1 or 2 good songs? Or seen a trailer for a good movie and it turns out the only good parts where in the trailer and the rest is terrible? Neither industry seems to have any form of quality control and more often then not buying a movie or album feels like playing the might get lucky and get something good, but more then likely you'll just wind up feeling like you wasted money. People are only going to put up with that for so long and when a tech comes along that offers the same garbage for free...well whats a customer to do? Sometimes you reap what you sew if you're only intention as a business is to make as much money as you can regardless of the quality of the product.
Personally I've stopped buying music and movies years ago, I've just been burned to many times...I have been getting into itunes in the last few years though, the prices are reasonable and being able to download the songs you want is a HUGE step in the right direction.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”