Yes I am brand new here to TFP and yes I am going there. I have lurked around for a while and I know you all (male and female) have some great insight when it comes to these scenarios.
This is a biggie...a little background:
We have been happily married for over 15 years(got married very young). Just in the last 5 years our sexlife has exploded and we have been sharing fantasies with each other and in some cases living those out.
I cannot imagine ever wanting to see him with another woman so I find this desire of his hard to understand. He wants to watch another guy f@*$ me and preferably one who is packin heavy (you know what I mean)
He says he wants to see me pleased in ways I maybe never have been.
SO please someone enlighten this normal and should I be at all worried about what this says about his love for me???
Maybe it is a guy thing because I don't get it.