When I used to travel around a lot with a jazz act I worked with it wasn't uncommon to use public restrooms on long trips that didn't require an over night stop. Anyway it wasn't uncommon after a long day on the road for everyone to break for a stall and drop the kids off at the pool. At first it was pretty common for no one to speak, just do your thing and meet out front but after awhile it became a common thing that conversations began breaking out. Before long it became a great excuse to talk business, set lists, upcoming gigs and everything else we needed to deal with...in essence the stalls became a de facto meeting room and why not? It was quiet, everyone was going to be sitting for awhile and it got it out of the way. Okay maybe its a little weird but when you spend so much time with the same people you just stop caring.
Now strangers, casual acquaintances that's a whole other story...and what the fuck is up with people striking up conversations at urinals anyway?
"Hey catch the game last night?"
"peeing here..."
"Great one, love the old game, you watch?"
"Hey you try them burgers they serve here?"
"Really? PEEING HERE!"
"Well talk to ya later..."
I actually had that conversation one night at a bar downtown, five empty urinals, I'm standing at the frist one and he picks the one right next to me...friggin people.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”