I tried responding to this last night...wrote the whole thing out, hit backspace and lost it GRRRR so I said F THIS and went to bed but I wanted to respond before I had to head out for the evening.
ObieX I looked back at my question and I probably didn't word it in the best way possible. I hope it didn't come across as "Damn NJ why so messed up?" I used to read weird NJ and was always so fascinated by how many cool stories and legends seem to come from there.

Anyway I liked your answer I hadn't taken into account the melting pot aspect of it, so many people with so many different backgrounds would contribute to a high number of bizarre legends. OH and NO urban legend ever comes to its full conclusion until heaps of drugs have been taken to give it that little extra bizarre twist
Willravel Hot damn! I love it! Not only is it a great story with a nice cliff hanger ending (really please post part 2 sometime I'd love to read it) but its back bone centers around finding out about a creepy urban legend that you probably thought was complete bunk. How much of a mindfuck was it to actually be walking along that thing as everything you'd heard about it starts becoming true? For fun I always like to try and search out these legends just to see how much truth is behind them and I always wind up disappointed in the end, I would love to be able to go in search of one and have it unravel in the same way yours did.
Oh and working Darth Vader into any urban legend...is simply astounding in its brilliance!