My suspicion is that Flickr gave you the boot because you only had the Privacy thing set, but not the Safety level. What they care about viz. erotica is more the "Safety" level. Then you probably want to make everything private on top of that...
If you have a Pro account and do that I very much doubt that they will mess with you. If you have a free one and are using it that way, they might boot you anyway because they see themselves as a "community" and not an image host. But I've only rarely heard of anyone being thrown off if they'd paid their money and were following the privacy/safety level rules (except for CP, but that's not kosher anywhere obviously).
Other than that ... there's Photobucket, but it's kind of a PITA to work with. I don't really use it. And the accounts run out of bandwidth absurdly quickly, leading to annoying dead links in threads where you've posted images; if I ran a board, I'd probably just block Photobucket links for this reason ... they linkrot really quickly. But they're popular for a reason.
Google's Picasa service is sorta like Flickr but with more privacy controls and less of a "community" focus, which might be better for what you're trying to do.
Although really, what you probably should do is get one of the cheap web hosting plans from somewhere and put your images there (maybe have some minimal index.html file so it's not like you're *just* using the service for your imagedump, but then put your images in /images and ... well, basically just use it as your imagedump).
But the problem is that you are the User From Hell as far as a lot of services are concerned; there's no easy way to make money from what you want to do, so they're not terribly interested in doing it. That means you probably either need to pay for the service, or deal with a really low quality service like Photobucket.
As an alternative ... there are quite a few one-shot services like imgurl; where you upload one file and then you get a random-ish URL to post. These work very well but don't let you assemble a "library" of images or anything. I'm not sure how quickly they expire, though.