I don't really watch TV. Sometimes I go several days without even turning on the TV. I watch programs, but I don't "watch TV." I will watch a ball game, local or national news, The Weather Channel when I'm on the road, sometimes CSI or some other cop show. History channel, Discovery Channel, food shows sometimes, especially when traveling, altogether, probably not more than two or three hours a week on average, and I haven't even heard of most of the shows talked about here. I just hate it when I'm at a party (or some other gathering) when all anyone wants to talk about is TV shows, because I feel completely left out. I don't know the shows, the stars, don't know...

like I'm some kind of pariah because I'n not into TV. I feel like I'm the squirrel watching the lemmings go by.
All in all, I'm usually happier reading or listening to music.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I am amazed at that nobody has said they sit down and channel surf. Perhaps the number of people watching programming online is more a reflection of the type of people who gravitate to an Internet forum like this than anything else. Regardless, how many of you that now stream or download or watch on DVD used to sit and watch live TV. How many used to channel surf?
I never surf, especially now that the stations seem to have coordinated so their twenty minutes or so per hour of commercials.
Now that you are able to watch when you want to watch, have you freed up time for other things?
This is a comical question.

Do I free up time by more efficiently using the most time frittering device that humanity has thus far come up with? I find plenty of time to do other things by hitting the OFF button.
A few years ago I was sitting in a booth at a Bob Evans restaurant somewhere in Indiana. The family in the booth behind me were talking about a lunar eclipse that was going to take place that evening, and a middle school age boy said something like "Cool! Will it be on TV?" I thought that was funny. Funny and sad at the same time.