"No aquarium, no tank in a marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal."
"There is as much educational benefit in studying dolphins in captivity as there would be in studying human beings by only observing prisoners in solitary confinement."
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Replace dolphins with "humans" above. Do free humans do what we do ? Our crazy behavior ? With a few "free" days a year ? No - because they have direct access to food. They don't need to perform tricks. We have all the food in the world, but we are slaves. There is no "We".
Even the gangs that appear - they are not like the tribes in the past. No direct access to food. They depend on the system.
To participate in our society's depredations is an indignity. A corporate executive recently confessed to me that his job consisted of lying to the customer; another that his job consisted of frightening customers into accepting digital security products that they really didn't need. An elite lawyer described his job as, "I take money from one rich son-of-a-bitch and give it to another rich son-of-a-bitch." Part of my job at Penn State is to pass judgment on students by issuing them a grade. To be sure, there are many people fortunate enough to have interesting jobs, creative jobs, perhaps even meaningful jobs, but even if you love your work, what do you have to put up with in order to do it? Indignity is hard to avoid when our whole economy revolves around the creation and fulfillment of phony needs.
All the "ideologies" that try to "make people happy", capitalism, communism, all the "isms", depend on people with no direct access to the basics of life. So they can be caught in the system, made to do stuff they don't care about - just to survive. All this because we think we need "ideology" to live and be happy. We can be happy, the same way a free dolphin is happy, he needs no "ideology". He has no tricks to perform.
What do free people do, in the "wild" ? Free people have time to live, paint, sing, dance, explore, got to war, sit on the mountain and seek visions. Free people are spiritual creatures.