Yeah, people reporting on the issue may have passion and biases of their own. But those issues outlined in the post you presented here are misleading at best.
The reference about the second amendment was introduced to a section on freedom of speech, not just "citizenship" in general (and one of the republican representatives actually suggested creating a new section to discuss the second amendment, but it was ignored and now the right to bear arms is discussed as part of the freedom of speech section).
And then the person nitpicks the more moderate points while completely ignoring the more egregious examples.
I'd still like to see the people who are so certain that the denouncing of the Tx school board is so unfair deal with the actual issues there.
Why should freedom of religion and separation of church and state not be taught? Why should the word capitalism be replaced by "free enterprise?" Why should Hayek feature prominently in economics? Why should more attention be paid to republicans who voted for the civil rights act than to Cesar Chaves and Marshall? Why should Jefferson be excluded and Aquinas included in the discussion of thinkers who influenced revolutions (including American independence)? Why is it ok for a school board to reduce sociology to "blaming society?" Why must a section include a discussion of how the free market led to Europe's success? One person even justified the removal of Oscar Romero from the list of people who fought against oppression because he didn't even have a movie made about him (which is actually false). Why should the words democracy and democratic be removed from all the texts?
And those members are called ultra right because most of them came to the school board after defeating moderate to conservative republicans.
Last edited by dippin; 03-16-2010 at 12:43 PM..