you complain too much. lol.
you have to consider all the factors here. You're obviously new and haven't unlocked a lot of stuff yet. Thus, you're on the bottom of the food chain.
Things stacked against you right now is that your stock gun still takes 6ish body rounds or so to put someone down (in normal mode) out of a 30 bullet clip. If you hit 20% accuracy, you'll proooobably down someone in that clip.
the later guns like the AN94/m16 whatever take people down in 3-4 shots, and fire in controlled bursts so youll usually take someone down in 2 trigger pulls instead of the pray and spray recoil you've got with ironsights and stock fodder weaponry.
still takes some fire discipline with those weapons not to just blow your clip in panic just because you've got bullets whizzing your way.
Those are just baseline numbers, doesn't even include factors like people with the body armor spec or the upgraded ammo power spec.
Hardcore mode is pretty much 1 shot 1 kill or maybe 2-3 if you're still using crap weapons.