Originally Posted by Spiker
I'm beginning to think I should just leave well enough alone for now. She now knows that I have a strong hunch something happened. If she ever goes to visit that friend again, I will insist that I go along for the weekend with her.
She's never going to admit it if I try to discuss it. She wanted to keep this relationship and has otherwise been very affectionate and "normal". Maybe I'm best to just let it lay for now and work on building the relationship back up and kind of follow her lead?
Other than the fact that they may have restraint enough not to throw each other down and get to business right in front of you, tagging along the next time won't really prove anything. Certainly not anything about this particular case in which you suspect that you trust may have been violated.
And just as I've written previously, the violation of your trust is only a part of the extent to which your relationship is fucked. You don't trust her and whether she knows it or not, she has every reason not to trust you.
You two shouldn't have to live like that.