SPIEGEL Interview with Umberto Eco:

'We Like Lists Because We Don't Want to Die' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
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Alright, this thread can go in either of a forked three ways, as I see it: the initial article and impetus for this topic, above, will spark enough of a motivated agreement or disagreement with the statement's of Eco among you, good participating members, about the list as a tool AND a necessity in our society, in is myriad of forms, to spawn this discussion along nicely.
Also, what could happen is just comments along the lines of 'interesting' and 'good find', pour in interspersed, which may or may not also correlate to the third option, which would be...
ALL (interesting) internet lists can be added to this thread's ever-expanding future, which will be something of a trove archive, hopefully of mostly good examples, with a few funny ones as well, to break the seriousness of a 'link listing' log. May it serve you well, or entertain you, if even only occasionally.
And I don't see why I need to, as it is implicit, but: How do lists pervade your personal everyday lives'?
The Real Reason You Love Internet Lists
(basically the above linked article, but abridged, replacing the technical speak for the average joe's consumption.)
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"Humans like choices, but don’t like to make them."— Richard Titus