Alright, time to don my alternator-perfectionist cap back on and provide helpful hints here for any future contributors:
foundation to picture portrayals and uploading, an addendum:
First of all, unless you trust the website resource in which you are pulling these images from, I truly would discourage and even vehemently protest against any member hotlinking images from just the first 'searched-found' image you happened upon; what happens is that when a web admin finds out that random people are siphoning off their bandwidth, they are very seldom pleased to allow it to continue draining dollars from their website's upkeep and maintenance. So, what they usually do first when they find this out is that they disallow privileges to the image, and then the previously 'fine' image becomes broken, red-X'd, or worse, a huge advertising banner for the originating site featuring a monkey, or a penguin, or an eyeless man, telling you to "F-off!". I don't want that.
Thus, I strongly encourage you fine folks to sign up for a free image hosting website.
Though, I will say, unless it contains no nudity at all, even suggestively-so is off-limits, I should kindly remind you now, at this early stage, that the images or links from the specific websites of PHOTOBUCKET and IMAGESHACK should not ever be contributed here.
Instead, other easy alternatives to those unmentionables above that DO allow artistic nudity are sites such as
flickr, (but make sure the appropriate 'nudity filter' is selected in your settings)
imagesocket, (it's as easy as photobucket, with nudity, but hotlinked images must be below 150 kb or so) and
tumblr (really, simply, the best solution, I've found).
Alternatively, you can also upload via the TFP's attachment feature, (though all files must be below 100kb to upload) as both Fremen and kramus have displayed above, but here's something you may not have known:
see that that little icon there in your advanced text editor box; it's a paper clip!
(I always wondered what it did, and I found out about 6 months ago, but it is the forum attachment feature here)
click it once to bring up the attachment uploader pop-up window, and then you can proceed as you normally would; but what I had to find out first-hand, and would almost insist upon in the future, is, well... click the paper clip button once more after you have uploaded your file(s), and it will no longer instantly open up the new pop-up uploader window, but instead, show you via a drop-down menu, all of your files uploaded for this one unsubmitted post.
it will display the original filename of your image, but go ahead and click 'em, and you'll notice that inside your text box, a new tag looking similar to this, [ATTTACH] will appear. That's your uploaded image!, and you can freely display it anywhere in your post (top, bottom, in-between paragraphs, wherever) without having that cumbersome static outline box that stretches the thread over to the right for overly-large or multiple images.
This is the solution so that all images will display vertically and correctly. Ah!
back to our regularly-scheduled thread, a little more vintage titillation: