@Vaultboy, well you're obviously upset about the 360 version being inferior.
I just don't understand why. FF even hitting the 360 was a mindblowing revelation to begin with when they announced it, since Squeenix has been a Sony exclusive since FFVII. I mean if I were in the xbox camp, I'd just be happy that I could play it, end of story.
@Jinn, I believe the analysis of the 360 version, whilst full of fact, was indeed full of subjective descriptors. in one breath they say it "isn't anywhere near as impressive" and in another they say it's "adequate"
it's a little of both.
there are 2 factors to consider. There are 2 "Modes"
the game engine "interactive" mode
the noninteractive "movie" mode
The thing that gets me is that the game plays at 1080p on my tv, it autosenses the input resolution and adjusts accordingly and tells me up in the corner what resolution it just switched to.
It sits at 1080 the entire time, so what I'm thinking is that....
the interactive mode runs at 720 upscaled to 1080
the movies run at 1080 via the blu-ray capabilities.
I just wonder exactly what scenario the 360 is running. the 5xx running at 720 (which comparatively seems about the same-ish ratio of upscaling) or if it's 5xx at 1080 (which I think would look pretty bad and very noticeable)
Honestly... from the shots I've seen and the videos I've seen, I'd just agree with Jinn on it not really mattering a damned bit to the average person, even the average person with an HD tv. I would say for someone who has both consoles, it's be "more for your money" to get the ps3 version.
From a business standpoint. They had to adapt a new game engine to work on the 360 since the one they used is made for ps3, so they instantly had some "on disc" overhead heading to the DVD's
From a comparative standpoint, picking 3 dvd's to deliver it on was simply meant to be the most cost beneficial point. *shrug*
People can berate square/enix all they want over this, I wouldn't expect them to just cut the 36 gigs of stuff together and toss it on 7 double layer dvd discs when they can cut production costs by over half by dropping the quality by 1/3rd
Boo hoo for 360 owners? I guess if you're LOOKING for something to boo hoo about, but honestly, I've played games that look like legos trying to hump in the desert and enjoyed them.
anyways, yes, it's a lesser version, no, it didn't kill your family pet. Just get one, play it. tell the fanboys on both sides to shut it.
Arguing multiplatform titles is NOT fun, arguing exclusives is.