So I got the game for the 360, and it's beautiful. On an HDTV. I was right. I can't seem a damned bit of difference, at 2 feet or at 8 feet. Graphics elitists can suck my toe. It's just as pretty as GOW2 was at 1080p.
And the comic is funny, but a bit disingenuous.. Previous FF games were like that, in the sense that you could tape down a button and win most battles. In FF7, I actually taped one of the analog sticks down so cloud would run in circles getting into battles, and all my characters had Materia that would force Berserk and kill it. Rinse and repeat.
In FF13, I think you'd really have a hard time with that. If you don't change paradigms often you're either getting wimp-ass dps or going to die from lack of heals. It's the best combat system in any FF game so far, I think. Certainly the most active. I love that beating things quickly is encouraged, too. It makes you mix up strategies (rav/rav/com, rav/rav/rav, sab/rav/som, etc.) depending on mob type, damage type, how easily debuffed they are, whether buffs will help much. I just beat a boss in half the recommended time (still only 5 stars) because of my total rockin' use of paradigms.