Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Always has to be someone to be the smart ass in the classroom right?
Yep, and it's often me.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
If I end it there, it's the kind of one liner that doesn't further the discussion, which is just a zinger and that's it. What's the point because it's funny? It's fun?
Being funny and being fun are a key part of what TFP is about.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Here's the issue Daniel, if we moderate we're too heavy handed. If we don't, it's we're being hypocritical and not caring. How do we strike the balance? More than likely by applying common sense appropriately.
My point was that you cannot weigh quality. A short post can be pithy and apposite, on target and help further the discussion - a post like "have you considered it might be X" can steer something a way that helps it along, whilst at the same time another post could be full of verbiage and bluster but simply be re-stating items that had been covered above.
Having a standard of QUALITY is far more useful than having a standard of QUANTITY, but is also more subjective. Subjectivity sadly can become a popularity contest, and I have no idea how you resolve that.