Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Always has to be someone to be the smart ass in the classroom right?
If I end it there, it's the kind of one liner that doesn't further the discussion, which is just a zinger and that's it. What's the point because it's funny? It's fun?
People take things too literally on the internet sometimes. Sometimes because they want to be an ass, sometimes because they're trying (successfully or not) to provide lulz, and sometimes because they genuinely don't get it. I think the issue of one-liners is one that nobody is ever going to define, it's a No True Scotsman type issue. In any HEALTHY discussion there's always going to be a few of them, and some of them will probably be good and some will be bad.
LS, I don't know why people continue to have the impression that there is a requirement write up a huge post or response. Again, common sense, there's no reason for a dissertation in the Entertainment threads, when a "I can't wait!" or "OMFG that's so cool!" is sufficient.
The statements I have made do not or are not intended for that. Look here, you've posted several times, and I've responded, look, there's a discussion!
When it comes down to it "You'll know it when you see it" is the only real way to define good and bad low-wordcount posts. If I'm in a thread and post a factual one-liner that clarifies and enlightens but I've got nothing else to say so I end it there it's obviously still a worthy post. If I'm in a thread and I get a few laughs but give no real content... it's probably not a worthy post. Or what if I say something with a lot of good points but it just has a low wordcount because I'm very succinct?
Can you objectively define any that beforehand? Not really since any real post probably includes elements of all three. An argument over these kinds of posts just won't ever end. The closest you can get is whether a post contributes in some meaningful way to the current thread of discussion. If it does provide genuine content in some way, or if it just takes up threadspace.