Originally Posted by Shauk
yeah it's like 6k per advancement now. :\ I've been farming the hoplites out by the juggernaught for easy CP.
---------- Post added at 07:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 AM ----------
today's response? lol@you 
Hardly. You bring up a previous exclusive-content game that is decidedly poorer on X360 as evidence? All the X360 gamers I know are boycotting FFXIII - with those who own both consoles obviously buying it on the PS3. Why would I buy a 572p game when I own a 42" HDTV?
Go look at comparative titles generally, and even exclusive content (apart from the Japanese only content), and you can't deny the facts. Even with piracy, titles on the X360 generally outsell their PS3 counterparts:
COD MW2: X360: 9.8 Million; PS3: 7.2 Million
If you compare the exclusive titles like Halo & Gears vs MGS and Killzone 2, for example, you see similar trends.
I hate to bring it down to the level of unpublished stats, but my personal game supplier is a purchaser for one of the biggest computer retailers in my country, and he informed me that:
1) Most PS3 clients they have are parents who are Sony-loyal and buy for their kids
2) Most X360 clients are gamers who bought the console for XBL
3) They stock lower numbers of PS3 games (except for exclusive content titles like MGS, Drakes, etc and also for Guitar Hero) because PS3 gamers tend to buy games once the prices have dropped, i.e. the PS3 market has more casual gamers who don't buy games for themselves.
Walk into any second-hand shop in my country (and I noticed recently in Barcelona and Paris), and you find more X360 games, simply because there are more in circulation.
You, sir, are a hardcore gamer, and by own admission an elitist asshole. You are not the norm. You would be surprised 50% of console gamers still play on SD tv's - a lot of these gamers are kids, remember. Whilst daddy may have buckled and splashed to get an electronic nanny, he won't necessarily splash more to get his 12y/o a HDTV.
Anyway, I wasn't concerned with competing. Nintendo wins hands-down. I was just pointing out that there is no real reason not to have produced the game to a similar standard on the X360. Its lazy programming or Sony wanted to keep the "premium" ground with the Final Fantasy franchise, to ensure they do lose FF sales to X360 to avoid the situation of how they lost it with Soul Calibur. The amount of discs is not even a valid excuse. I played PC games needing 6 discs before - no problem.