O.k. this wanders off topic…. but you went there.
Martian, Dude, I hope that Kool-aid taste good..... I won't be drinking it, by the way before the zygote can form it does so within... the egg... wherein the sperm must reach, which resides within the female body, which makes me wonder… which came first the female, or the female egg, or the male, did he have an egg, or the sperm, and how did the sperm initially reach the egg, which would be needed to develop the zygote within the egg, which then is no longer an egg but conglomerate mass of cells, which would need to be protected within an environment able to sustain the zygote as it developed, wonder what that creature was, that carried the first evolutionary humanish thing…hmm. Either way you cannot show me physical or chemical science that proves the existence of “life” prior to evolution through the evolutionary process all the way back to, and beyond, when the first “cell” “ate” the first “mitochondria” which then allowed the cell to have an internal energy source for life and all creation or maybe the mitochondria made its own cell around itself…. mitochondrial egg shell, as opposed to oh, I don’t know, some other generator, maybe the chloroplast, but then we would all be green and make oxygen rather than use it.
By the way which of those came first the chloroplast or the mitochondria? I would think the mitochondria (only because they have found life in the deepest regions of the oceans where light does not penetrate, but heat and chemical compounds do and life thrives there) which eventually needed the chloroplast to developed inside its’ square shaped cell as opposed to the round “eggish” shaped cell of animals who need to “breathe” the chloroplasts’ waste product which in turn uses the mitochondrial waste to grow also, both of which required development to begin the "evolution" of life on earth in general. Hey you wouldn’t happen to know where the mitochondria come from would you, maybe like your hypothesis, it just created itself.
We all know life originated in the seas, we all know we came from the chemical goo of earth and its glorious mothering. We all know we developed within this solar system around this star in this galaxy floating in this great ocean of time and space slowly drifting from the central spark of existence. You believe what you may, I'll believe that God is, was, and will always be that spark. That spark of awareness of existence of time and space and all that gifts me with each day and I am thankful for these days, even the ones where I have to worry about what my kids are being taught in school.
I truly worry about what they are being taught outside of school more. I have some control as a parent, PTA, teachers, local government, etc… to make a difference for them within the educational system. It’s what they learn from their friends I have a hard time controlling. But life is that gift that keeps on giving through each proverbial “egg” and it’s proverbial “chicken”, I am simply grateful for KNOWING HOW I GOT HERE, and WHERE I AM GOING (No, not a box, I intend on being cremated, I don’t want to waste a perfectly good piece of the earth). It gives me peace, a kindness of heart, an acceptance of the inevitable with a smile on my face that with hope, all things do have a purpose and that mankind was basically “created” GOOD.
Good God Man, why did you get me started? Thank you though, I enjoyed that.
P.S. I’ll take Americas’ shit over anybody elses, and as a mother and care provider, and educated American, I know life and the worlds’ shit. Do you know why we have such a problem with immigration, it’s not because people want to leave here, it’s because people want to live here. We may stink sometimes, but it still smells like freedom to me.
---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 AM ----------
Now back on topic, as for the Republicans and the Civil Right Acts….
Abraham Lincoln was the FIRST Republican President, he WON the Republican Party nomination on his outspoken OPPOSITION to slavery, he introduced measures that resulted in the abolition of slavery, issuing his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and promoting the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
Civil Rights Act of 1875, was Republican lead.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 and 1960, were signed into law by Eisenhower, Republican.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 as it passed through by Party
The original House version:
• Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
• Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)
Cloture in the Senate:
• Democratic Party: 44-23 (66%-34%)
• Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version:
• Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)
• Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:
• Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
• Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)
Note how the Republicans consistently voted affirmative by 80% + as where the Democrats voted at less than 70% in comparison.
I believe what they are trying to teach is that you don’t have to be a Democrat or a Republican to agree with change, especially when it’s progressive. I think we are losing the objectives of what we are fighting for in regards to freedom when we constantly label ones belief as Democratic or Republican. Teaching children that it was ALSO the Republicans who wanted and helped in the end of slavery and segregation allows them to understand that you can be Republican and that doesn’t mean you are some puritanical codger. If we continue separating Republicans and Democrats we are going to create a nasty new religion, that’s just what we need, another one of those things, religion, that is. Anyway, with the WWW, youth gets to read and evaluate and study all kinds of new thoughts and all kinds of old ones, the worlds’ biggest problems are how to get this wonderful education available to every child. I, as a Republican, don’t like that everyone thinks I don’t believe in Change, I just don’t believe that because you are not Republican your Change it any better.
democratic (comparative more democratic, superlative most democratic)
1. Pertaining to democracy; favoring democracy, or constructed upon the principle of government by the people.
republican (plural republicans)
1. Someone who favors a republic; an anti-monarchist.
2. (history, politics) Someone who favors social equality and opposes aristocracy and privilege. (I know, I know, you people don’t believe this one, but it is true!)
Aren’t they really saying the same thing, just from different angles, see, that way we can say, after you add the liberals and the independents and those who just don’t care, The Great US of A has got all Her angles covered. What really matters is teaching my kids to be good people and get along with other people and realize how privileged they are to live in this great nation, this great melting pot, founded by the great world of humanity (at least those who believe in freedom), and I’m good to go.
Thanks, this was fun. I really enjoyed researching some of this; I learned something new today, what a blessed day. I Love TFP, it really is a great place to learn, even about yourself.