Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Always has to be someone to be the smart ass in the classroom right?
If I end it there, it's the kind of one liner that doesn't further the discussion, which is just a zinger and that's it. What's the point because it's funny? It's fun?
If TFP wasn't funny and fun at least some of the time, it would die.
Here's the issue Daniel, if we moderate we're too heavy handed. If we don't, it's we're being hypocritical and not caring. How do we strike the balance?
Stop trying to please everybody. There will always be somebody who isn't happy no matter how hard you try. TFP cannot be the perfect forum for every person, there is no one size fits all. I enjoy it here, however it's not for everybody. I know many people who would find it's rules too stuffy. I think they provide a good balance between chaos and order.
I understand traffic is down, really I do. How do people find TFP, where do most of our newer members come from? If we want to increase traffic, people have to find out we exist, they need to know why they should spend their forum time here rather than one of the other bajillion boards just like this one. We are really not that unique when it comes to what we provide, so we need to look at increasing traffic the same way any business would look at increasing sales. How do we get more customers through the door?