Originally Posted by Marvelous Marv
Yes, and other people's money should be used to support the videocassette industry as well.
Um, I'm not sure how that has anything to do with what I said, but w/e....

I'd ask you to elaborate, but I can tell---even in my confusion---that you are way off base.
I choose not to view "Piss Christ" or a photo of a man with a bullwhip up his ass. Call me crazy.
Hey, how about we focus on the extreme and marginal exceptions to the rule on
everything? For example, I think the American military should be disbanded on the basis of its complete ineptness because of that last friendly fire incident (not to mention all those others)....
You have no idea what you're talking about if you think "the arts" consists mainly of the things you've referred to.
Try this:
Originally Posted by Charlatan
The thing that seems to be missing here is that an investment in the arts does come back. I don't know the number on the arts in general but I do know that every Canadian tax dollar spent on film and television creates $10 to $15. This comes back in taxes, tourism, services purchased, etc.
Similar ratios are found in Canadian book publishing as well.
Fancy that the next time you want to think in extremes.