Originally Posted by filtherton
I think that most adverse environmental effects associated with cocaine use could also probably be pinned on law enforcement's misguided war on drugs. Cocaine growers probably wouldn't have to destroy more rainforest if law enforcement agencies weren't destroying fragile ecosystems when they target illegal plantations.
Maybe Greenpeace should focus their message more on policymakers.
Absolutely, we go to countries like Columbia and destroy thousands of acres with chemical air sprays. Officials say the chemicals only effect the coca plant. Farmer say they can't get anything to grow after the sprays. I trust the farmers more then the government. It's kind of like finding out a building has a rodent problem and deciding to blow up the building.
Prohibition didn't work with alcohol and it isn't working with drugs. As long as people desire to use drugs there will always be a supply. The amount of my tax dollars going to fight this so called war on drugs pisses me off to no end.