Originally Posted by Shauk
What he said.
Being Linear isn't that bad. The game is designed around it. Hidden chests are earned because you know its there, it's just do you want to fight that battle to get it. With the difficulty and length of battles, having a really open world with random battles would be a bad thing. It also relieves some of the concern that your going to miss some huge upgrade that you're not going to be able to go back and get later on.
Almost every battle can be lost in the game. There's a specific enemy in Chapter 9 that if there's 2 of them in the pack, you MUST stagger and kill one before he can cast his big damage spell because if they both use it at close to the same time, you'll be dead. I'm trying to be as vague as possible to avoid spoilers.

Those aren't the only mobs, or even the first ones you'll run across capable of killing off a team with a medic. You really need to know what enemies you can keep on the battlefield and which enemies need to be dispatched quickly.
Btw shauk, I'm JUST past that part you described.
Don't you just love the Rescue sound effect that those cop slime dudes make? I skipped many of those guys too.
---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------
You're having problems hearing the characters over the music? I'm not playing with subtitles and while I don't know WTF the characters are talking about half the time, It's not a volume issue..