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Old 03-13-2010, 09:27 PM   #37 (permalink)
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
Originally Posted by Wyodiver33 View Post
Even though I was born in the USA I should cater to every single person who emigrates to the USA. As a tax-payer it's my job to make sure that every person who doesn't speak English is comfortable. Every illegal immigrant should have a Driver's License.

This is pointless.

I give up on this thread.
Amazing that you give up (without ever trying) and yet keep coming back.

If this is a rant, maybe you should put it in a blog. If not, what the hell are you trying to argue here?

I've asked before and I'll ask again: who is making you do anything? who is making you learn a language?

Let me try to salvage this mess a bit: What exactly are you for and against here, other than random rants about illegal immigration and foreigners?

You think people should learn English before they emigrate to the US? Done. The naturalization test is in English. And I bet a good number of US born Americans would either get the English or the history in them wrong:
Sample INS Citizenship Questions

So those that come to the US to become citizens already have to know English. That leaves temporary visa holders and illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are, well, illegal, and as such any attempts to make them learn English are at best redundant. Do you believe an English test should be a requirement for temporary visa holders? Keep in mind that the organizations sponsoring several types of visas already require English, which realistically only leaves tourists without some expectation of knowing English. Should people be subjected to English tests to get tourist visas? And given that a substantial amount of people whose primary language is not English were born in the US to foreign parents, should US citizens be subjected to those same English tests?

Of course, the majority of Spanish speakers in the US, be them US born, naturalized or here illegally already understand English. They just choose not to use it with other Spanish speaking people and within their neighborhoods. Should they be forced to speak English? Should the US go beyond even what Quebec does in trying to protect it's language, and force, by law, that broadcasts can only be in English and people can only speak English in public? Who would be in charge of making that happen, checking everyone and being in charge of punishments?

These aren't rhetorical questions, as I would really like to know what you think. People get caught up on the "people should speak English in the US" part but never think about what it would mean in practice to make that policy. You are probably not going to respond, given that this looks more like just random anti immigration rants, but you should at least give it a try before giving up.
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