There was a quote I read somewhere once: if we teach creationism as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach Storkism as an alternative to reproductive science.
There needs to be a national textbook curriculum established by a panel made up of credible PhD-carrying university professors, with a subpanel for each relevant subject, so the people who know the subjects best can decide what is and isn't part of required education. Invite every qualified person in the country to be a member, and give the curriculum a year or two to be worked out. Everything turns out peachy.
Why should the children in a state with a ridiculous curriculum be at an educational disadvantage versus those in other states?
"The the universe was created by Gohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdddd." (ten cool points if you recognize the reference)
Awesome sig coming to a post near you!
If you say plz because its shorter than please, then I'll say no because its shorter than yes.