Originally Posted by Xerxys
Oh goodness thank you Cynth. I have always been peeved when I click on new posts and see "number counting game" active or "longest thread EVAR!!"!! Jesus that is annoying! What I now (hopefully) wish would be moved here is "what are you eating/drinking/listening to right effing now"!!
I agree on the point about the "eating/drinking now" threads and their tenuous merit (even though I participate in any said number of dozen of truly nonsense threads). They have their place, and whenever I encounter something of interest on the net, I try to assert that said finding into an appropriate venue by which to showcase it and have it make sense.
But this new decree seemed inevitable. I don't know when the Nonsense thread updates were reinstated, but to me, I thought of it as a test, or an experiment, to measure the activity there. So, this new action is not to new to me at all, it's a reversion, seeing as it was already in place less than a year ago.
Honestly, though, I participate in nearly every aspect of this community in equal measure, save for maybe politics, weapons, and food (don't like news, can't afford guns, and my food adventures are simple, and rarely do I encounter a need to print off instructions or snap a photo to further my eats.)
But, I also do find more of my conversational ideas are riled in nonsense, and from there, it can foster into a worthwhile discussion. So, it's a dual-stage for when people would rather not have to always be "on" and ready to react, or when a person would rather interact on a more defined basis, responding to another's query or statement on life, experience, love, or politics.