Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Shadowex3, I don't think you've been here long enough to have enough perspective on what does or doesn't happen at the TFP. Not that you can't easily fix that and revisit the question later, but comparing us to other places and trying interpret those rules for this space seems ... unfair. I'm really not interesting in what you think does or does not qualify as "hardcore moderation" since it's my role to take my own definition and make it a reality.
And Hektore, your point about us not being perfect is well-timed and well-taken.
Good for you, and technically me too since that's not remotely what I'm doing. I don't know why you're trying so very hard to make this out as though I'm trying to do something I'm not.
All I've said is that your idea of "hardcore" moderation doesn't sound remotely deserving of a title that makes it sound like some kind of iSharia for TFP, it sounds more like routine moderation to stop spam. I mentioned other forums purely as an example of what DOES deserve such an ominous titling, not out of some kind of subtle attempt to demean TFP.
Someone mentioned bringing "hardcore" moderation, someone else said they weren't sure what the first person meant by "hardcore", I made a half-serious half-tongue in cheek suggestion of what "hardcore" could mean, You said what you ACTUALLY plan to do, I said I think it sounds like a completely sane and reasonable course of action. How does any of that translate to my having joined only 3 years ago compared to your 7, and how is making unfair comparisons?
Just calm down and accept the compliment on your sanity and reasonability, that's all it was.