Originally Posted by Redlemon
I have to disagree with a sentence.
There is a large amount of excellent SF that never leaves the planet Earth. My personal definition of SF is "Let's pretend that (something) was invented/discovered. How would that affect (something else)?"
A good point. I was glossing, generally, and I overlooked that aspect as I was typing. I guess you could also read that line as "our" blue planet, i.e. the planet we know in real life. I didn't mean to imply that alternative realities/histories and universes aren't a part of SF, because, well, they're an integral part.
Originally Posted by amonkie
We had a "MUST READ" compiled reading list in a previous thread
I hope to incorporate much of these, if not all. At first I thought of focusing purely on SF, but I guess we can't stay away from fantasy entirely. I like the idea of including "science fantasy" (i.e. C. S. Lewis & Burroughs), and other genre mixes, but I'd be open to fantasy of other means. I just don't want to get swept up in epic Tolkienesque fantasy because it can easily overwhelm all else. Maybe we'll do circuits of surveys in the genre of "speculative fiction" in general to include all aspects. I have my reading list subdivided by subgenres. Maybe we can cycle through those and include epic fantasy and sword & sorcery too.

I like variety.
EDIT: Okay, I just edited the OP to be more open to the speculative fiction category as a whole. I thought about limiting the book club at first, but now it's more reflective of my own personal reading list as I'm building it. Of course, I'm open to the recommendations and desires of the group, so feel free to continue to make suggestions.