Originally Posted by Hektore
Well, I don't see a problem with that and I don't think anyone else would either. I'm thinking replies along the lines of:
A. Do a line of coke out off hooker's ass.
Followed by:
A. Make sure you kill her and shove her in the trunk then.
Followed by:
A. Make sure you bang her before you put her in the trunk, but not before you kill her.
Not that it isn't funny or won't actually make the person feel better (it could). But I didn't think that's quite what we're about here at the TFP.
Oh yeah, this is a good point. For those of us who've been here for a hot weekend, that kinda thing has really lost its charm. Certain individuals who constantly post such types of lame comments have no value in the community in my eyes. If they can't push out a pearl of wisdom for every dozen turds, what's the point of letting them hang around? Because they've always been here? I'm not a genius, but I'd imagine TFP is just as susceptible to cronyism as any other "higher learning institution" on the Web. You can be an asshole all you want, but if you're not a useful asshole... then there is no point to allowing you to occupy inches in what could be great threads. I'm cool with that kind of hardcore moderation:
Occasional Content or GTFO.