The title is exaggerating a little.
The game looks great on the 360 and isn't plagued with screen tearing like my friends PS3 version. HAHA!
No, I'll agree that the PS3 version does look better but it doesn't look any better than the video comparison and if you don't notice the difference in that video you aren't going to in game either. The hair is the biggest technical issue for me and honestly and it doesn't bother me at all. Other than that, I'm 8 hours in(just got up for a break) and the game is starting to get good. I was getting worried because the game goes for a long time before you actually start "leveling" Even now I'm still having to do (or skip) tutorials for new stuff I'm unlocking.
Anyways, The PS3 version superior in more ways than the minor graphic upgrade. It has the original language voice option, It also comes on a single disk, compared to 3 on the 360 and it has a key to up your chances of getting into the FF14 beta. The ONLY reason I bought it for the 360 is because the first store I was at was sold out of the PS3 version and instead of going to the next store my cousin that was with me asked me to just get 360 version so he could borrow it.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry