Tul, are you in the WH?
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
...BTW- Nick why didn't you just guess Centralia?
I resisted saying "Centralia" since I didn't want to risk creating a black hole warp in space-time and the entire universe as we know it would get sucked into it...all because of the "déjà vu all over again" phenomenon since, as you probably recall, I was in Centralia a little earlier in this game....
Originally Posted by Shell
..."BadNick" !? .................Were you there? 
as a matter of fact, in "real life" I've driven through and walked around Centralia a number of times...very eerie place as you said. On my drive home from Watkins Glen racetrack in NY, I usually take back roads over the mountains into northern PA and Rt. 61 is a nice scenic road that goes right through the middle...what used to be the middle... of Centralia. Smokin' hot place! I hope you didn't burn your toes.