- Did you breast feed your children, at what point in their development did you stop?
My wife fed our son for the first month or so. Despite her best efforts she wasn't producing enough milk to satisfy him. He switched to a mix of what milk she could express and formula, and then to formula exclusively.
- What obstacles are in place that prevent a mother from breast feeding?
For her, it was pain and stress. She was in significant pain after delivery and we both think that this negatively affected her ability to breastfeed. Added to that were feelings of failure and stress because she had really, really wanted to breastfeed. It became a very negative point for her and the stress added up to making it nearly impossible to come through.
I don't think that if banked milk was available we would have used it. For her, and for us, it was more a bonding and sharing closeness with the new baby. Breast milk is best, but someone else's breast milk? No thanks.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein