Originally Posted by Pearl Trade
I don't see any commercials in spanish, but it would piss me off if I did. I'm in the same boat with Wyodiver here, I want everyone to assimilate to American values, customs, and so forth. ASSIMILATE ASSIMILATE ASSIMILATE. It's the name of the game. You came to America, be American. This goes for everyone, not just Mexicans and Hispanics, I'm talking Germans, Chinese, Canadians, Nigerians, I don't give a fuck. Speak english and be American.
As an immigrant, I can tell you right now that there is no fucking way in hell I will ever completely assimilate to the American culture. By choice.
There are just way too many things I disagree with on such a level that it makes me sick. However, I am not asking for commercials to air in Russian just because I speak it. The most basic thing you can do when moving to a new country is at least learn the basics of the language to be able to communicate with the general population.
Asking me to do any more than that and especially to adopt American values and traditions just makes me scoff at the very least.