Smeth... I'm not saying I know anything about the film beyond the 2 hours of my life I want back for watching it. I just recently saw it and wrote this little blurb. Do I look like an idiot for making assumptions? Maybe... or maybe not in this case. I have zero desire to research a piece of Hollywood fiction... It'd be like trying to dissect the firearm errors in The Matrix: fun but pointless. As a guy who used to do a job similar to that portrayed in the film, I found it to be a horribly inaccurate account. The reality of the job is just as if not more exciting and would appeal even to the most truth-retarded media consumer. And I think their 28-year EOD advisor needs to get his head out of his 6 instead of catering to the napalm-'n-gunfights crowd or that the director needs to listen to their advisor more instead of just having one to say they had one (based on the goofy resultant end product).
Basically: I know the job, this ain't it. The movie is fiction and it pisses me off. People should realize that this is miles from the truth. Growl-growl.
Now... everybody shut the fuck up. I'm going to go home to my estranged wife and drink a handle of Jack Daniels out of my Camelbak.