Originally Posted by cj2112
Just. Say. No.
I'd ask your supervisor if you two can sit down and talk. I'd then explain to him your frustrations with this employee. I'd also make sure that they know that Saturdays are off the table.
If you two were peers, I would say consider some type of compromise. But if you've been there 6 years or more, to her ~1 year, and you are her superior, you shouldn't have to. Explain to your superior that you feel you've earned the schedule you have, and that it was part of the compensation for getting you to switch to that store.
Also, a pet peeve of mine is when people demand special dispensation because of their personal life. It's fine to ask for schedule flexibility due to kids or the like. It's great when coworkers or your company help you get that flexibility. But just because someone is not married, or doesn't have kids, it shouldn't mean they should sacrifice their schedule for the sole reason that someone else does. People today like to pick and choose equality in the workplace. I totally believe that no one should be held back because of race, religion, etc., but it should also be true that one doesn't get special privileges because of their choices in life. Schedules, compensation, benefits, etc. should be based on job performance and seniority, period.