I don't see how it could be any more intrusive than being wanded while in a skirt and having them wand between your legs... I've had it done on more than one occiasion. While they don't touch, they are so close to your body that your personal space 'alarms' are going off. Passing through a scanner that doesn't show the color of your skin, or hair, or eyes is less personal. Also, I've taken the tests to work for the TSA and seen the kind of scanner pictures they see, there are so many going by so fast that they aren't even looking at the shape of the item being scanned, they're looking for items inside the shape. Half the time you couldn't remember what kind of bag or suitcase you were seeing but you could only tell what items were IN that case. I see the whole body scanners as less intrusive than other means of searches.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.