I was 15 when I lost my virginity but god help me if I could remember what her name was. It was on a hunting trip I'd gone on with my brother and some of his friends from college but lets be honest, these hunting excursion were really more of an excuse for a bunch of underage kids to go off to the woods for a weekend and get F-ed up. It was really quite frightening now that I look back on it, a bunch of teenagers, a stockpile of firearms, gallons of alcohol (and choice other party favors), the nearest town was about 50 miles away and everyone was bored out of their minds...I think after school specials were written with this kind of stuff in mind.
Anyway the girl in question had managed to get herself lost out behind the cabin and I was the one that happened across her so I got to play the hero and managed a few precious hours to talk her up on the way back. Lucky me. Later that night we wound up sitting on tailgate of a pickup truck, passing a bottle of something or other back and forth, one thing led to another and I was no longer a virgin. All I really remember about it was how unbelievable cold it was that night and hopping my ass didn't freeze to the truck bed.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”