I can't see any reason to get a car that's a stickshift wanna be (AKA manumatic, etc.) unless a particular vehicle just doesn't offer a true manual. Then I'd look at a different vehicle. A true manual is a transmission that has a clutch pedal as part of the deal. A manumatic, tiptronic, what ever you call it just lets a driver delude himself into thinking he's sporty. Worse, it lets the manufacturers get away without offering a real manual.
There should be a law against Porsches, Corvettes, Miatas, BMWs, any car with sporty performance pretensions, even offering automatic transmissions. Automatics belong in and are fine in Buicks, Lincolns, Minivans, Excesspeditions, and Chevy Aveos. If you don't know how to drive a real stickshift, and won't learn, get one of those.
If you know how to drive a manual, buy one of the cars that offers a real one, which will encourage those manufacturers to continue to offer them.
I learned how to drive with a stick (old Volks Beetle)I've driven a couple of fakesticks and they just feel so awkward and nonintuitive.
Manumatics are to real manuals as silicone breast implants are to real tits.:
C'mon, which would you rather have?
There, I feel much better now.
on the road in my 2002 SAAB with a REAL manual