I do not accept that for which there is no evidence, nor that which is contradicted by available evidence.
I do not dismiss that which is supported by available evidence simply because it is inconvenient or contradicts my emotional reaction.
It is in each person's best interest to learn what they do not know at every opportunity.
It is in each person's best interest to teach what they do know at every opportunity.
I must not stoop to the level of petty insults or attacks on the character of those who treat matters that are verifiable or falsifiable as matters of belief.
I must be a voice of reason to those who are willing to assert beliefs as counterarguments to the empirically verifiable.
I must concede to those who are authorities because they are better qualified to understand than me and attempt to learn from them.
I must be able to justify my claims of authority to those who are less qualified to understand than me and be willing to teach them.
It is irresponsible to attempt to objectively evaluate that which is strictly subjective for any reason other than thought experiment.
It is irresponsible to attempt to subjectively evaluate that which is strictly objective for any reason other than thought experiment.
There is value in learning for the sake of learning.
I am a Skeptic.