Dunedan, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you not the owner of a gunshop?
Employee, not owner. But yes, I do work as a firearms retailer.
are you up in arms over the govn't requiring you to have a FFL in order to do business?
Up in arms? No. Frequently very annoyed, especially since ATF has and does send people to prison and fine them hundreds of thousands of dollars for spelling mistakes and missed dates on Form 4473? Yes. Very annoyed.
Based on your posts so far in this thread, the govn't shouldn't be able to impose it's will on you or your store.
Yet you clearly( I assume) have obtained said license in order to do business legally.
Because not doing so is an excellent way to end up full of holes, having the holes one normally possesses subjected to nightly stretching by the cock of someone I won't like very much, or fined into bankruptcy.
How is this different than Bar owners having to follow the laws set forth by the state?
It isn't; both cases are bullshit. Unfortunately, it's bullshit that one must swallow if one wishes to have Massa's permission to operate a business: just like one must swallow a lot of bullshit in order to obtain Massa's permission to get married, to expand or modify one's home, to build a new home or structure, plough one's fields, hunt one's own game, fish one's own streams, or peaceably assemble to request redress of a grievance. However, since being forced to swallow a ration of bullshit is not on the same moral level as being actively shot at or immediately and physically attacked, no: I am not "up in arms." Violence is a factor in both such instances, but only when violence is being actively employed against a person or nation does that person or nation have the right to retaliate and defend themselves with force.