Originally Posted by pan6467
No, I believe it to be a "right" and I put forth Amendment 9 as a defense to my opinion. I do not believe it to be a "privilege" and I showed where I strongly disagree with calling what I believe to be rights as privileges.
It could be argued that it is semantics, but saying something is a privilege to me feels like it is something government can take away at its whim (a rightful belief or not it is my belief with that word). Whereas, to me a right as long as you are abiding by the laws that have been made to protect others (arguably a public smoking ban, without argument traffic laws), they cannot be taken away for any reason by government.
then driving clearly IS a privilege. The number of rules, regulations and limitations you need to abide by in order to legally drive puts it in that category. Compare to that to, say, your right to freedom of religion, which has no such limitations and regulations