My girlfriend was similar: he made me a major scene after a couple of months because I was going to see a good friend of mine (woman that I haven't saw for ages) an evening, I've told her 15 days before but she haven't remembered. And so on: embarrassment, frustration, jealously, immatureness, woman cycle, all mixed up in a polemic mixture ready to blow of the world for a tiny thing.
We've talked, she's calmed down, now we have celebrated our fourth year together.
Because of work and family I'm going to living with a friend of mine (woman) and not with her in cold blood she's got nothing to complain about (I'm a little sad about it... a little jealously spice up the things, sometimes
Everyone have highs and lows, recognize the reason and forgive the lows are part of a relationship...
Maybe you've done well letting her go, only you know her, anyway keeping her worked for me!