Me? Scary? What's scary to -me- is collectivists who are willing to accept violence against their neighbors, so long as that violence is popular enough. I suppose one can rationalise anything if one can convince enough racists, reactionaries, bigots, or simple everyday morons to agree.
I am perfectly willing to leave any and all of my neighbors alone and in peace, to live their lives and conduct their business as they wilt. So long as they do no harm to me or mine, I see no reason to interfere with their lives or livelihoods by so much as an inch. What scares -me- are the people out there who are -not- willing to "live and let live," who regard deploying unprovoked violence against people who have done them no harm as a legitimate and moral means by which to affect change. What scares -me- are the people who are perfectly willing to jam a gun in their neighbor's mouth in order to force them into compliance with whatever their own preferences or prejudices might be, despite the fact that said neighbor has done them neither physical nor financial harm.
Tell me, which is scarier: a dude like me who wants to leave everyone in peace, or a dude who wants the "right" to -make- everyone live his way by force of arms?