"View new posts" broken
OK, it may not be broken for everyone. WK and Amonkie couldn't reproduce this when I brought it up in Chat. But, here's my problem...
I start my browsing by visiting the New Posts page.
On a long thread, I hit the "Go to first new post" button.
Instead of seeing a post from Saturday morning or later (I was on late Friday night), I'm at some arbitrary post in the past, at the top of that page.
For example, selecting the four most recent long threads:
Erotic Images that make you go...WOW - NSFW: 12/28/09
Make Love Not War Images (NSFW): 2/11/10
Pointless Announcements: 12/29/09
New Joss Whedon Show: Dollhouse: 5/15/2009
Worse, I can't get past that page on any of the threads. Hitting the 'next page' button leaves me on the current page. Hand-editing the URL to increase the page count also leaves me on the same page.
I even tried posting a new entry in the Pointless thread, and I can't see what I entered and I'm stuck on the same page as before.
I'm using Google Chrome Beta on Mac OS X 10.6.2. I tried using Safari and Firefox and had identical results. I deleted my TFP cookies to no avail.
Is this happening to anyone else? Any hints on what may have gone wrong for me?
I can't read your signature. Sorry.
Last edited by Redlemon; 02-28-2010 at 11:45 AM..