I've played a few games as Mordekaiser and man he's really fun. I got a triple kill in my first match I played as him which is always a morale booster.
I also had my longest LoL match ever last night. It was over 70 minutes. We lost!!!! We dominated the early to mid game, but had only Jax as a carry, and with the enemy team having 3 carries, it wasn't enough. We pushed all 3 inhibitors down, then got Nashor buff, and then pushed and got aced in 1 really bad team fight. Then after that the match lasted literally 40 more minutes because we couldn't fight them 5v5, and they couldn't leave their inhibs unprotected, so it was a huge stalemate.
One of the last team fights we had, I absolutely dominated the enemy (they had Nashor buff) as Mord. I got 3 of them down to 10% HP and died, but Zilean put his ult on me and I came back and killed the 3. Then the 4th one ran away and I chased down the 5th and killed him too. Mord has some pretty amazing survivability in team fights when you start spamming his Q and E to build his shield up. Very, very cool champion. I'm really proud of Riot creativity with him.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert