Originally Posted by Derwood
we get it, pan prefers to do everything that 50.1% of the voters decide, even if the number of voters is far less than the population, so really, the "majority" vote represents, what, 15-20% of the population? THAT'S who we want deciding things?
First, in this case don't let people vote and then change the rules because that vote didn't work the way you wanted it to. Go back to the people and show them what is going on.
Secondly, far more of the population votes than 15-20% so that is just a bullshit number you pulled out. Maybe in an odd year, turnout is low but statewide/nationwide.... I want to see proof of your number.
And if you are trying to make a case as to why this should mean we should just give more power to the Legislature, you're shooting yourself in the foot because ANY AND ALL politicians in the end care ONLY about those voting. And according to you that would be the 15-20% you are crying about.
So, to me that argument makes no sense... UNLESS you like having freedom and the choice of how government should work taken from the people all together.
Thirdly, if people were given the chance to have a say, more than just voting for 1 of 2 corrupt agenda ridden party candidates, we may actually see 80-90% voting.
It seems no matter who we vote for ("Change" comes to mind)... we see agendas that are NOT in the best interest of ALL people not even the majority and we see corruption and scandals and just total disregard for the people, voters or not. This disenfranchises people. How many times do you think someone is going to vote for "Change" or believing this candidate will be different only to have him be a partisan puppet and owned by corporations, before they decide their vote just doesn't matter?
How many times does it take for someone to vote for something like "no smoking" only to see politicians take that away and change it before they believe their vote doesn't matter and so they stop voting????
The lack of voters is not because they don't care, IMHO, it 's because they did care but were burnt too many times and decided their vote didn't matter.
IF we make their vote matter, by giving them the decision and not changing those laws, then we may see more people voting.