Originally Posted by Stare At The Sun
It has nothing to do with "being a child". Smoking, in public should be illegal. If you were smoking water vapor I wouldn't care, however, you are smoking a carcinogen, and I'd rather not have going to a bar be a health risk to my lungs and heart.
Different places carry different risks. If you don't want the danger of falling off a cliff, you avoid Mt. Rainier rather than insisting upon special accommodations. If you don't want to be mildly injured by out-of-work rebels listening to bad music, you avoid the punk concert's mosh pit rather than insisting upon special accomodations. If you don't want to hear dumb Down's Syndrome jokes on a mediocre show, for Christ's sake Palin just change the channel.
Every time you find a place that doesn't quite serve your desires for comfort and safety, you can take the adult route of finding an alternate place that does.
Or you can be a child.