Originally Posted by Derwood
we get it, pan prefers to do everything that 50.1% of the voters decide, even if the number of voters is far less than the population, so really, the "majority" vote represents, what, 15-20% of the population? THAT'S who we want deciding things?
That's one of the main reasons I HATE referendum voting, it rarely represents the majority of the population. Couple that with badly worded black and white questions, little to any proper deliberation or debate, no rewrites or compromises and very little thought to the aftermath and consequences it looks even worse. Honestly if what the "majority" wants is supposed to trump all other branches of govt why don't we simply switch to a pure democracy and let the people vote on everything? I'm sure that would turn out just wonderful.
I vote very carefully when it comes to my representatives because I want somebody that properly represents me and would lean the way I would on most issues and I would prefer letting them do their jobs. I simply don't have the time to properly read, educate myself, debate and vote on every issue that comes up and neither do most people.