Originally Posted by spindles
Don't fuck with Aussie electrics - the colours are different! red=active, black=neutral, green=earth. It seems you even mixed terms as neutral here isn't the same as ground...
I really would've thought these terms and colours would be standard worldwide - go figure.
oh - I'm with everyone else that thinks the OP is just a really bad idea.
If I remember the chart right an example for what we called Romex would be:
14-2 black wire =hot, white =neutral, potential =120 volts
14-2 W/G as above + bare copper ground wire
14-3 black wire =hot, red wire =hot, white wire =neutral
current red to white, potential =120 volts
current black to white, potential = 120 volts
current black to red, potential =240 volts
Is that right?